Director: Jan Musch en Tijs Tinbergen
Release: 26 september 2009
80 minuten, NCRV
When Holland banned shooting foxes in 2002, these canines seized their chance. The foxes used to be curbed by hunters, but now appear in more and more places they were never seen before.
This led to consternation among farmers and hunters, but also among many conservationists. They were enthusiastic about the success of the fox but also saw how this carnivore threatened other protected species such as waders.
In the spring of 2006, the Dutch government gave way to pressure from the hunting lobby: now it's open season for foxes again.
This film examines the battle between man and fox. Can this animal - a native of the low countries - decide whether it can maintain itself here or will we shape its fate from the drawing board? Nature seems stronger than people can suspect. And conservationists are becoming increasingly divided...
Bloody Fox is produced by Selfmade Films in coproduction with NCRV. This documentary was made with the support of the Dutch Cultural Media Fund, CoBo-Fund and Thuiskopie Fund.
Bloody Fox at the Dutch Film Festival, September 26, 2009. Awarded best Dutch long documentary film 2009.
More information and pictures (in Dutch) on
09-2009Nederlands Film Festival, Utrecht
19-09-2010NCRV Dokument, Nederland 2
05-2011Film&Science Festival, Amsterdam (Winnaar GRAND PRIX 2011)
2011voor bioscoopvertoningen zie de website van de distributeur: Cinema Delicatessen
10-20113rd SunChild Intern. Environmental Filmfestival, Yerevan, Armenia